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2021 Global Risk Forecast


For a preview of what the travel industry can expect in 2021, download the Global Risk Forecast and Security Assessment Executive Summary.

A look back at this past year is proof that even the most prepared organizations remain vulnerable. As we head into 2021, it’s essential for organizations to remain vigilant in the new year as many of the uncertainties of 2020 persist.

The 2021 Global Risk Forecast takes a look at key events that could potentially affect your organization in the new year. Covering several different regions and categories, the forecast provides an in-depth analysis of each topic underscoring the risks your organization and its people could be exposed to in the coming months. Included in the report are several risk assessment rating maps that give you a full-picture view of the current state of threats for each country around the world. Together, our expert analysis and security risk maps can help inform decisions regarding your organization’s business operations and people.

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